- Jan Markell discusses dangerous reality of yoga and mediums on her radio show: https://olivetreeviews.org/radio-archives/danger-deception-in-the-church/olivetreeviews.org/radio-archives/the-prime-time-occult-invasion
- Secular scientific study published in the Journal of Health Psychology shows that yoga practitioner’s intent changes with continued practice. They start for physical reasons, but continue for spiritual reasons. This doesn’t happen with running, swimming, baseball, walking, or any other “non-spiritual” activity. Findings also published in Women of Grace: http://www.womenofgrace.com/blog/?p=40978
- Corinna Craft’s Story: www.yogadangers.com
- Vail Carruth’s Story: http://www.thetruelight.net/personalstories/carruth.htm
- Why parents don’t want yoga in their children’s schools: www.truthaboutyoga.com
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